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·Stone Forest Of Yunnan  ·Norwegian fjords: the best unspoiled travel destination in the world  ·Danxia Scenic Area of Chishui  ·Flowers bloom and Green everywhere in spring  ·Canberra: Australia's federal capital  ·Fiji Islands scenery  ·Shenzhen Window of the World: China's famous man-made theme park  ·Xinfu island, Haikou  ·Zhongdian scenery of Yunnan Province  ·The 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return: see the charm of Hong Kong through the lens  ·Hukou Waterfall: Yellow River on a bright pearl  ·Egyptian Girl  ·Charm China: Eastern Elements  ·First House Chinese Taoism: Yingtan Si Han Tianshi House, Jiangxi Province  ·Sansu Shrine of Meishan, Sichuang Province  
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